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Newsletter: November 2022



Ravensden Community Cuppa – meeting on 1st November at 2 o’clock. at Ravensden Village Hall. Entry £2. All welcome.

Colmworth Church Coffee Stop 10:30am to 12noon on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. Come along and meet friends and neighbours. All welcome. The Church is open most days for private prayer.

Colmworth Community Lunches. The next lunch will be Friday 18th November at 12.30pm in Church. Please let Kate (378132) or Wendy (376277) know if you would like to join us and any dietary requirements.

“Tea at the Church” every Wednesday continues at Wilden Church 9am – 11am. A moment for yourself and with others. Dogs are welcome to bring their owners and children their parents/guardians.

Ravensden WI Christmas Fayre 26th November 10:30 am to 3 pm at Ravensden Village Hall with Santa’s Grotto. Full details next month. Free Entry. Santa’s Grotto £5.00 per child, including gift and meet and greet. From 12 noon Stalls, including Tropics Skincare, Pure Hearts Boutique, Cakes, Gifts, Crafts, Jewellery and much more. Refreshments: Cakes, Soups and Drinks.

Wilden Family Quiz Night 19th November at 6pm in Wilden Village Hall. Details from Susie (01234 771534)

Keysoe WI Christmas Fayre takes place in the afternoon of 26th November. See posters for details

On 6th December a Cantamus Concert will take place in Wilden Church at 7.30pm. Please see posters for details. All welcome.


Our ADVENT Course will be at The Chequers, Keysoe from 12.15 – 2pm on Thursdays (17th

November to 15th December). You would be most welcome.


From The Registers

Barbara Ward from Bedford funeral held on 2nd September 2022 at Bedford Crematorium, Mother to Ralf Ward from Wilden.

Omoloa Josephine Adesida from Ravensden funeral held on 19th August 2022 at All Saints Church Ravensden.

Danuta Marija McGowan from Keysoe funeral held on 21st September 2022 at Bedford Crematorium.

Iris Margaret Luckett from Wilden funeral held on 11th October 2022 at St Nicholas church Wilden

Mary Drogon from Wilden funeral held on 19th October 2022 at St Nicolas church Wilden Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have lost loved ones.

Paper Newsletters

This newsletter has been published and funded at least 10 times a year by our local churches for many decades, and nearly 800 are delivered free of charge by our great team of volunteers to practically every home in Wilden, Colmworth and Ravensden with copies left in all 5 of our churches, schools and other places. Much has changed in recent years with the advent of websites, email, and social media, so that many now receive this in electronic form and it is always available to read on our Website. So, with not just the costs of paper and ink, but aware of not being wasteful of this world’s finite resources, from January 2023 we intend to reduce greatly the number of paper copies delivered individually to homes. Since the Parishes of Keysoe and Bolnhurst joined our family of Churches nearly 4 years ago, we have never delivered this to every house in these Villages, but many there receive this electronically as do others in neighbouring Villages and those who have moved away and maintain links with us.

Join up electronically by emailing to give us permission to send the church newsletter to you.

But we do want to continue to deliver paper copies to all who wish to continue to receive it in this way. So please over the next couple of months speak to your friendly deliverer and let them know whether or not you wish to continue to receive this newsletter by hard paper copy, as we hope most people will be happy to receive it by email or read it on our website and follow our Facebook pages.



St Nicholas, Wilden, MK44 2PB

St Denys, Colmworth, MK44 2JU

All Saints, Ravensden, MK44 2RR

St Mary the Virgin, Keysoe, MK44 2HW

St Dunstan, Bolnhurst, MK44 2HB


Ravensden Parish Room,

All Saints Church, Ravensden,

Bedfordshire, MK44 2RR


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